Academus is a latin word that means an Arcadia which was used as a meeting place for Athenian philosophers. Academus was also a war hero in Greek Mythology. We aspire to inspire the future generations of Pakistan through our philosophy of Inspired Learning.
Academus germinates from the nature and core beliefs of great thinkers and philosophers that include Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Pythagoras, Avicenna and Al Ghazali. These philosophers and thinkers were ahead of their time; and dared to break away from conventional stereotypes. They often faced persecution and exile; but remained steadfast in what they believed. Today, the world admires their contribution and celebrates their lives.
Academus also bears a strong character and visionary traits. It aspires to make its inhabitants exemplary. Its logo is powerful and full of meaning. Its infrastructure is state of art and at par with the 21st century requirements.
Academus is managed by Board of Directors that are experienced, young, talented, entrepreneurial, and consider themselves as true educationists. We are an Equal Opportunity Institution. The School provides equal opportunities without regard to race, colour, religion, sex, gender, national origin, age, disability, or any other protected status under federal, provincial, or local laws.

Academus International School outlooks the objectives of schooling beyond classroom teachings and good grades. Academus views the academic achievements as only one part of the learning process. To broaden the intellectual horizons of young minds, Academus offers a wide variety of Learning Modules, Sports Activities, Study programmes, foreign trips, music activities, community services and much more. By experiencing these unique ways of learning beyond the classroom teachings, we believe that the students will grow up with confidence, leadership initiatives, self-esteem and with an interest in the wider aspects of cultural and social life.
Our teachers develop children's skills.
Sport lessons
Drawing lessons
Music lessons
Science lessons
Computer lessons
Math lessons
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