Globe of Academus represents the internationalism in Academus. Our curriculum is internationally recognised; our students are trained to be international citizens of the world. It also depicts that we are a tolerant school and believe in equal rights of all citizens in the world.
Academus Lion: Crowned Royalty with Spanned Wings; represents the core characteristics of this institution and its inhabitants. Academus, its staff and students are fearless, courageous, brave and born leaders. They have wings to fly and conquer. The Academus Lion overlooks the globe in a quest to conquer the world.
Academus is a latin word that means an Arcadia which was used as a meeting place for Athenian philosophers. Academus was also a war hero on Greek Mythology.
Academus is School for students to attain a globally recognised education, starting as early as toddlers, all the way up to children aged 18.
International: The school offers Internationally Recognised form of Education and is affiliated with University of Cambridge Assessments Education.
V-Pillars: The foundation on which Academus lies on; is strong and firm. THis also depicts that strong educational and moral values that we instil in our student body.
180-Degree Base: Depicts stability in the Organisation, its Management and student. A stable educational journey is essentials for a stable life.