Recycle Objects

Transform a cereal box into something fun and use the project as an opportunity to talk about where the box came from and how it was made. Or, organize a clean-up--go to a local park or playground and help keep the community beautiful.

Writing Activities

After school there will be writing activities where the teachers will give fun and interesting topics to the students to write about, whether it is a poem, comic strip or a short story.


The Little MasterChef
Let’s face it, cooking is one of the most important life skills. We all want our sons and daughters to be independent and self-reliant. Cooking a healthy meal for yourself or a loved one is a simple yet extremely important task. Learning to follow the recipe, mixing the right ingredients, experimenting, appreciating new dishes, learning about nutrition and sharing. These are just a few perks of learning to cook.

A child learns a lot more from this amazing art/ science. Cooking together fosters cooperation and communication. They develop fine motor skills, practically apply math and appreciate food, in the process of making astounding meals. Cooking is a creative outlet and helps every child feel accomplished and proud.


Focus, Balance, Amaze!
At Academus we believe that gymnastics is a form of organized activity. It helps young children develop mental and physical strength and it is a fun way to remain fit. This extra-curricular activity has something for every child. You can jump, run, flip, roll, swing and use all that built up energy, in every class. As soon as a toddler starts taking his or her first steps you can get them to join a class. Apart from physical well-being, gymnastics also helps boost a child’s cognitive skills.

Foreign language

Broadening Horizons
With the world turning into a global village it is not enough to know just English and Urdu.

A foreign language will help a child connect with multiple new people. They can also develop their analytical skills. And with the world moving towards a tech-based future, knowing a language will equip them for better careers in their life.

Learning a foreign language can help children understand about various cultures and appreciate them too. It can also help them develop their communication and social skills.


Pitch Perfect
In a culturally rich country like Pakistan music plays a vital role. Children find this activity relaxing and helps build their confidence. Music instrument can help students improve their concentration. Learning to read musical notes helps the brain in multiple ways and teaches children to be patient and appreciate perfection.

No Tuition Policy

In House After School remedial classes after 3 pm to bridge learning gaps.

No Assessments till Junior III

Following the finnish and singapore model, Academus aims to promote in-school learning and self learning.